Landscape Photography

One of my favourite photography style, As it instantly transfers the viewer to the place in the picture, however far it is or whatever time of the day it is. Lets Explore more about this amazing genre of photography. 

Landscape photography is a popular photography style among photographic artists for various reasons. It is generally simple to get into because of the way that even the most essential cameras and focal points can catch beautiful images. It works enormously as a side interest for the individuals who like getting out and inundating themselves into nature. What’s more, finally, landscape photography is just loads of fun since you always learn something new as Mother Nature is the best teacher.

Landscape photography helps us to show the beautiful world we live in. It shows how blessed we are to be a part of this splendid planet full of beautiful majestic mountains, rappelling rivers, dynamic desserts, wiggly waterfalls, omnipresent oceans, vast valleys, plants, animals and also man-made structures that are equally a part of this genre of photography.

It also makes us aware of our duties and responsibilities as a part of this nature and to perform all the activities keeping in mind  the future generations who have equal rights to enjoy the same beauty as we are doing it right now.

What is Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography is a form of art where a photographer depicts the beauty, purity and splendour of nature.
It also helps the photographers to show the reality of the world around us. The world is changing rapidly around us and its our duty as photographers to present the reality to our audience.
Landscape Photography involves 3 Major aspects:
1. Light
2. Composition Skill
3. Equipment
Lets look at them one by one.

1. Light:

Light is the most important factor even before equipment and skill for the reason being, you have to use the available light to your best advantage as it changes rapidly and you cannot hold it. When doing portrait  shoot, you have the privilege to play around with lights but while shooting landscapes, you need to figure out the best time of the day to take a shot.

So which is the best time of the day ? Sunrise and Sunsets are considered as the best time to capture landscape as you will be able to see the maximum colours around. Also, sunrise or sunset depends upon other factors like pollution, haze, wind, etc .Ideally you should first study your location and then figure out when to head out to shoot. Mid afternoon is the most difficult as the light creates sharp shadows but this too depends upon your location and the angle of the light. Sunlight at an angle results in great pictures.

Seasons too play an important role in capturing landscapes. Summers help to capture beautiful blooming flower valleys but at some places it also results in harsh sunlight and haze. Winters are great to capture angular sunlight. Spring and fall are great for any location. Especially Fall has its own charm to capture fallen leaves of varied colours and so is spring with flowers and fruits in full bloom.

landscape photography sunset

2.Composition Skill:

Composition brings life to any image. It adds the wow element to your shot. Right Composition helps the audience to relate to the story that you want to tell through your image. The Composition Rules once clearly understood, are meant to be broken. Here I would just mention certain tips to make the landscape shot more interesting. We have a separate article on Compostion Tips  that you can checkout. Here I am listing few important ones relevant to Landscape Photography.

1. Survey your location beforehand: 

Its important to go around the location before setting up the camera at one place. It helps in capturing something that is unusual and uncommon.

2.Disturbance free Reflection

When you are capturing landscape reflections ensure to keep the shot free of any distractions. It adds more serenity to the image.


Use all kinds of lines while composing your image. Vertical images look cool and Diagonal lines add element of surprise. It makes the image super interesting. Horizontal lines are of course most favourite of all. But trying new lines will make the image super appealing. Also, a mix of straight and diagonal lines along with some angles makes the image splendid.

4. Use patterns and Curves:

Nature is full of Patterns be it flower petals, sea shells , tall trees, fallen leaves and lot more Also, Curves look great instead of straight lines. Especially S Curves look beautiful.

5. Simplicity:

A simple picture is far better than a busy , cluttered image. Keep the image free of too many distractions .

6. Tell a Story:

And last but not the least, tell a story with your image. Every image should portray your emotions, your feelings your connection with the place and it will surely touch peoples hearts.

Please read the article on Composition Tips to dig deeper into this.


3. Equipment:

Equipment to landscape photography is the most essential part to capture great images. 
Camera should be reliable and sturdy to not only capture sharp images but also face the tough weather conditions.Camera has to face heavy snowfall, storm, freezing temperature, haze and deliver sharp, vibrant images in the most complex scenes. A Camera with a large sensor, rich in camera features and a solid body is really important. You can check this article on How Cameras Work.


Lenses are like our eyes. Blurry vision gives poor image. Lenses should have high level of sharpness, good contrast and minimum amount of flare. A good landscape photography kit should contain everything from ultra wide angle lens to telephoto lens. An ultra wide angle lens will allow you to go closer to the subject and show its magnificence while telephoto lens helps to shoot distant objects and also focus on particular feature of the landscape. Normal lens helps to shoot all kinds of objects.


Another camera support that is crucial for Landscape Photography is Tripod. It helps in capturing moving objects with accuracy. Be it moving clouds, Falling water , Night-Sky, Gushing Vehicles, Low light photography, etc. Tripod is extremely necessary. Also, while using slow shutter-speed, tripod helps in avoiding camera shake and get crystal clear images. 


Filters are integral part of any landscape photography kit. Filters help to reduce reflections and makes the object stand out and enhance colours and contrast of the scene. Some filters like ND filters help to control the light entering in the lens and gives an altogether different dimension to the image captured. The smooth-silky flowing water that you see in the below image is the result of ND filter.



Exploring landscape photography makes you so close to the nature that you feel truly one with the mother nature. You will learn to co-exist with our planet and will be filled with love and respect for all the living beings of this planet. 
On a lighter note, if you undertake landscape photography, You can be paid to travel all around the world. Isn’t that amazing! Start exploring this genre of photography and envision the world with a different perspective that would be full of love for everyone.

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